刘建华 | 穿针引线
Liu Jianhua | Threading the Needle
中国 China


This is a work of pure abstraction. Lines of stainless steel are inserted into the clusters of wetland sequoias. In this way, the freedom, lightness, and sense of ease people experience in nature take on visible form. The properties of the material make it stand out with particular clarity and brightness among the sequoias. “Threading the needle” implies an extension of the natural environment on which humans depend for existence, an extension into the eternal.


Liu Jianhua was born in 1962 in Ji’an, Jiangxi Province. He graduated from the Jingdezhen Ceramics University Sculpture Department in 1989. He taught at the Yunnan Arts University School of Fine Arts Sculpture Department from 1989 to 2004, and at the Shanghai University Fine Arts College from 2004 to 2022. He began engaging in experimental artistic creation in the late 1980s. He proposed the creative concept of “No Meaning, No Content” in 2008, and embarked on a new direction of artistic exploration, through which he formed an individual linguistic system of contemporary art. He is a leading figure of experimental Chinese contemporary art. Liu Jianhua has held numerous solo exhibitions in China and abroad, and has been featured in such international exhibitions as the 57th Venice Biennale and the 17th Biennale of Sydney. His works have been collected by such institutions as Tate Modern and MoMA. He currently lives and works in Shanghai.