莳季 | 影像花园
Shi Ji | Image Garden
中国 China

花园解析:  “莳季影像花园”拟在世博园原“巴勒斯坦园”呈现。植物,   与生俱      来就是“视觉艺术”,无论色彩、结构、肌理乃至气味,都呈现着自然之美。

花园的设计将结合现有室外设施和花池,重新规划和设计景观区域和游览动     线,通过云南乡土植物和新锐园艺植物相结合,  营造出具有云南“生物多样性” 的“多样自然花境”。

该花园还将通过户外艺术装置和系统设计,  引导参观者能从多角度洞察“植物    的自然美学“。同时结合该区域原有构筑物,  将室内打造成一个”植物美学影      像馆“,将集中展示莳季和其他植物摄影师、艺术家所创作的独居一格的植物    摄影、绘画等艺术作品。使花园中自然生长的植物从视觉影像和人文创作中     得以重构和升华。

The "Siji Image Garden" is planned to be presented in the former "Palestine Garden" of the Expo Site.Plants are inherently "visual arts", which present the beauty of nature in terms of color, structure, texture and even smell.The design of the garden will combine the existing outdoor facilities and flower pools, re-plan and design the landscape area and tour routes, and create a "diverse natural flower scene" with Yunnan's "biodiversity" through the combination of Yunnan native plants and cutting-edge horticultural plants.The garden will also guide visitors to gain a multi-angle insight into the "natural aesthetics of plants" through outdoor art installations and systematic design.At the same time, combining with the original structures in the area, the indoor space will be built into a "botanical aesthetics gallery", which will focus on showing the unique botanical photographs, paintings and other artistic works created by Siji and other botanical photographers and artists.The natural plants in the garden will be reconstructed and sublimated from the visual images and humanistic creation.

莳季|Work-seasons 品牌释义

莳 shì



莳季 故为因四时、循四季而播种、耕耘、收获、分享。


莳季 倡导热爱自然、师法自然,基于植物美学,延展至景观、园林园艺、生活美学。



Shi Ji | Work-seasons brand interpretation

Shi is from the ancient Chinese farming culture, with the meaning of planting, planting.

Such as "Shi Tian", "Shi Shu".

Therefore, Shi Ji sows, cultivates, harvests and shares because of the four seasons and the four seasons.

The auxiliary English "Work-seasons", translated literally as "busy season", derived as "four seasons of cultivation".

Shi Ji advocates love of nature, study of nature, based on plant aesthetics, extending to landscape, gardening and life aesthetics.

Plants are silent, everything is natural.

Come to Shi Ji, feel the four seasons, and plant all the way!