西南林业大学 | 碎梦·渔火繁星
Southwest Forestry University | Broken Dreams: Fishing Fire and Stars
中国 China

卧龙古渔村面朝滇池背靠七星山,这片沃土延续了六百多年的农耕渔猎文化, 并形成了老呈贡八景之一“渔浦星灯”的盛景。



Wolong ancient fishing village faces Dianchi Lake and backs Qixing Mountain. This fertile land has continued the farming, fishing and hunting culture for more than 600 years, and formed one of the eight scenes of Old Chenggong, "Yupu Starlight".Based on the development atmosphere of Wolong ancient fishing village combined with culture and tourism, we analyze that the design site needs to meet the needs of watching, resting, taking pictures and clock-in.Through the early analysis, the design puts forward three main strategies: inheriting fishing culture, making full use of the undulating terrain of the site, and meeting the needs of the site. The design inspiration comes from the story of "Yupu Starlight". Starting from the perspective of the fisherman's dream memory, the dream experiences three stages: the beginning, the dream and the end. It corresponds to the story line of the fisherman from going to sea to returning from the sea, going offshore, breaking the waves and returning with a full load. The blue-purple tone flower mirror creates the atmosphere of the sea and the dream. The story is vividly reflected through the interaction of fish, fishing boats and other sketch devices with people. The story of the fisherman and Dianchi Lake in Wolong ancient fishing village is told in the form of the story line.

西南林业大学(Southwest Forestry University),简称西南林大,位于云南省昆明市,为原林业部与地方政府合作共建的首批高校,是以林学、林业工程、风景园林为传统优势,生物学、环境科学与工程为显著特色,理、工、农、文、法、管等多学科门类协调发展的全日制普通高等本科院校,是国家卓越农林人才教育培养计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划高校、中西部高校基础能力建设工程支持院校,云南省一流学科建设高校。




Southwest Forestry University(Southwest Forestry University ),for short, is located in Kunming, Yunnan Province. It is one of the first universities jointly built by the former Ministry of Forestry and local governments. It is a full-time college of higher education with forestry, forestry engineering, landscape architecture as its traditional advantages, biology, environmental science and engineering as its outstanding characteristics, and multidisciplinary disciplines such as science, engineering, agriculture, literature, law and management in coordinated development. It is a national excellent agricultural and forestry talents education and training plan, excellent engineer education and training plan colleges, the basic capacity building project supporting colleges in the central and western regions, and first-class discipline construction colleges in Yunnan Province. The university originated from the Forestry Department of Yunnan University in 1938, covering an area of more than 2500 mu.There are nearly 1700 faculty and staff members, and more than 30,000 undergraduates, master degree candidates, doctoral candidates and overseas students.

 College of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture: There are 5 undergraduate majors, among which landscape architecture and horticulture are the national first-class undergraduate construction majors.It opened the landscape major independently in 1987, and was approved as the master degree authorization points of landscape plants and ornamental horticulture, urban planning and design in 2003 and 2004.It was approved as the master degree authorization point of landscape architecture in 2011, the doctoral degree authorization point in 2013, and the national post-doctoral research station in 2014. At present, landscape architecture is a key discipline in Yunnan Province, a peak B discipline in Yunnan Province, a key discipline supported by Yunnan Province, a key discipline of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and the only doctoral degree authorization point in Yunnan/Guizhou/Guangxi/Xizang and other southwest frontier ethnic areas.It has systematically summarized the key technologies suitable for the construction of mountain forest cities and garden cities in southwest China, and carried out relevant practices.It has extensively carried out research and social services on rural settlement landscape under the background of rural revitalization, put forward the path of rural revitalization and the standard of demonstration village construction mode in ethnic areas, and carried out a lot of practices.It has studied the flower industry and seedlings in Yunnan Province, and participated in the training and technical guidance of related industries.It has provided important technical support for the construction of beautiful Yunnan, rural revitalization, ecological civilization construction and green industry development.