Description of the garden:
The garden reuses the typical materials of the village, and the knowledge and artistic sense of the villagers.
Three benches are creating with the same finishing that red soil’s walls of the houses in the village, they delimit plots creating with stone floors.
Around them, some little ills of soil will be covered by bright colouring flowers, hidden in greenhouses, and showing in the secret garden, roses and red and violet.
In the other space, the companion plantings are predominantly green and white or pale color.
Two other low red walls delimitate the garden, open on the greenhouses site as we can come from the road.The secret garden could also incorporate some old stones for the little mountain of the village, three rollers, one mortar… And a place for a stone’s fountain is delimitating as it could be seen from both the road and the garden.
The space could be seen from the roads around, when come back from work in the greenhouses, or walking around the village. Inside, it also offers view on the mountains other villages or town surrounding the
Cécile Glangeaud是一名自营职业的法国景观设计师,自 1996 年以来一直从事公共空间的创造工作,设计范围从小到大,大到整个城市。
她接受过科学和艺术培训,1989 年获得生物学和生态学硕士学位,1993 年获得凡尔赛国立景观设计学院景观设计文凭。2020 年成为生态文化设计师,2023 年成为雨水管理设计师。
Cécile Glangeaud is a French self-employed landscaper-designer and has been designing public create spaces since 1996, from small spaces to the scale of entire municipalities.
Scientific and artistic training: Master in Sciences Biology and Ecology 1989, and landscape designer diploma at the National School of Landscape of Versailles 1993. Designer in permaculture in 2020 and in rainwater management in 2023.
Supervises workshops at the National Landscape School of Versailles, and was a municipal councilor of a small village. She is a state consultant landscaper.
Human beings are anchored in a global ecosystem. The creation of the project is a source of happiness, and only makes sense if it is shared with several people.
Cécile Glangeaud est paysagiste-conceptrice française à son compte et conçoit des espaces publics depuis 1996 aussi bien de petits espaces que jusqu'à l'échelle de communes entières.
Formation scientifique et artistique: Master en Sciences Biologie et Ecologie 1989, et diplôme paysagiste conceptrice à l'Ecole Nationale du Paysage de Versailles 1993. Conceptrice en permaculture en 2020 et en gestion des eaux pluviales en 2023.
Encadre des ateliers à l'École nationale du paysage de Versailles, et a été conseillère municipale d'un petit village. Elle est paysagiste-conseil de l’Etat.
L’être humain est ancré dans un écosystème global. La création du projet est source de bonheur, et n’a de sens que si elle est partagée par tous.