The artist uses natural and recyclable materials to create works of art imbued with the joys of life. The big fish leads the little fish as they swim through the air, seemingly propelled through the forest by the propellers in their bodies, creating a magical spatial effect. The artist combines new 3D-printing technology with simple traditional materials such as bamboo and iron to produce a new handcrafted feel touched by new technology. Visually, the artwork emphasizes lightness, while the materials emphasize a handcrafted feel. Placed above the water, among the plants, they engage with the surrounding park environment. The artist’s goal was to create artworks that appear to have always been a part of the park, rather than a new installation.
生于西双版纳,生活工作于北京、昆明。北京宋庄艺术区及香港艺术库均设有个人工作室。香港汉雅轩画廊和法国 NAVARRA 曾签约艺术家,雕塑和装置作品参加了国内和国际上的一些重要展览,获第二届繁星计划最高奖项——评委会大奖,曾获为期五年的法兰西艺术创作资金资助。
Zhao Guanghui was born in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, and currently lives and works in Beijing and Kunming. He maintains studios in Beijing and Hong Kong. He is represented by Hanart TZ Gallery in Hong Kong, and Galerie Enrico Navarra in France. His sculptures and installations have been featured in important exhibitions in China and abroad, winning the Stars Project Jury Prize, and a five-year French creative art scholarship.