周轶伦 | 森林画廊
Zhou Yilun | Forest Gallery
中国 China


This artwork is rooted in the artist’s recent practice of erecting small teahouses in various settings. After viewing the site, the artist’s first reaction was to propose a small teahouse in the aquatic forest, with local laborers using simple materials and techniques to recreate a model the artist rendered in cardboard. There would be deviations in dimensions and levels, but the details would not matter. The building would not need to follow strict standards. Even the base of the structure would be devised and realized by the local construction team. Mirrors inside the structure would reflect an endless forest space.

周轶伦1983年出⽣于浙江杭州,2006年于中国美术学院油画系第四⼯作室毕业,现⼯作⽣活于杭州。周轶伦的创作实践常常围绕对看似冗余的⽇常物品—从⽹络图⽚到装饰品和家具—的重新创造。周轶伦个展曾举办于上海复星艺术中⼼,北京公社,上海CC基⾦会&艺术中⼼,上海星美术馆,罗⻢尼亚Galeria Nicodim,美国NicodimGallery,瑞⼠LISTE–The Young Art Fair等。

Zhou Yilun was born in 1983 in Hangzhou. He graduated from the China Academy of Art Oil Painting Fourth Studio in 2006, and currently lives and works in Hangzhou. His artistic practice often revolves around re-creation of seemingly superfluous everyday things—from Internet images to decorative objects and furniture. Zhou Yilun has held solo exhibitions at Fosun Foundation, Beijing Commune, Shanghai CC Foundation & Art Centre, Galeria Nicodim, Romania, Nicodim Gallery, USA, and LISTE—The Young Art Fair. Romania, Nicodim Gallery, USA, and LISTE—The Young Art Fair.