曹舒怡 | 宇宙代谢
Cao Shuyi | Cosmic Metabolism
中国 China


This sculpture places the geological environment of the wetland park within the dimension of deep time to meditate on the entanglements and dynamics between biological and geological elements that arise through the processes of global evolution and human activity. The sculptural forms evoke tentacles, bones, structures of fungi, algae, aerial roots and plankton, or microplastic particles, alluding to the state of constant transition, fusion, and symbiosis from species to species, and between organic and inorganic. The artwork is inspired by research on fungi with the ability to digest plastic recently discovered in Yunnan, and the discovery of symbiotic fossils from the Cambrian age in Chengjiang. 

纽约艺术家,在上海复旦大学获得法学学士学位、公共管理硕士学位和纽约帕森斯设计学院获得纯艺术硕士学位。她的实践结合雕塑、影像和写作,探索造物与知识的炼金术,及技术文化和宇宙论之间的多元关系。近期在Hive当代艺术中心和Para Site举办个展和双人展,并参与群展包括和美术馆,阿那亚艺术中心,现代汽车文化中心,今日美术馆,明当代美术馆,昆明当代美术馆,新时线媒体艺术中心,加拿大班夫艺术中心,纽约国际艺术基金会,Agnes Varis艺术中心,第十三届A.I.R.双年展,MASS MoCA等。

Cao Shuyi is a New York-based artist. She received a Bachelor's in law and Master's in public administration from Fudan University, and an MFA from the Parson's School of Design. Her practice combines sculpture, video, and writing to explore alchemical approaches to material and knowledge, and the diverse connections between technological culture and cosmology. She has recently held solo and dual solo exhibitions at the Hive Center for Contemporary Art and Para Site, and has been featured in group exhibitions at such institutions as He Art Museum, Aranya Art Center, Hyundai Motor Studio, Today Art Museum, Ming Contemporary Art Museum, Contemporary Gallery Kunming, Chronus Art Center, Banff Centre for the Arts and Creativity, New York Foundation for the Arts, the Agnes Varis Art Center, the 13th A.I.R. Biennial, and MASS MoCA.