这件作品通过被改造后的木质桌椅和水杉的同质关系,体现了东方哲学中的宇宙观,以及本体与功能的辩证思考。在这件作品中,艺术家从城市中收集了大量木质桌椅,它们已无使用价值,等待着被遗弃或者廉价变卖。再经过人为干预,成为水面上一道鲜艳的红色风景。椅子与水杉在两方面互为同质关系。一方面,两者同为“木”。水杉林本是自然之物却被机械化地种植作为水源净化者,而椅子在完成了其工具使命后又被重新放回“自然”之中。两者本是同根生,其命运也因人类的支配而紧密相连。在形式方面,种植本身作为一种技艺,而 “艺”字在甲骨文中的意象为人半跪着种植草木,艺字本意为种植。在这件作品中,水杉树的根部被“种植”上了代表着工业技艺的红色木质椅。艺术家通过这件作品,对当前生态环境的内在性和物质性提出了思考。
This artwork utilizes the shared properties of altered wooden chairs and the sequoias to embody the Eastern philosophical view of the cosmos, and engage in dialectic thinking on ontology and function. For this artwork, the artist collected a large number of wooden chairs from around the city. No longer possessing use value, they awaited the fate of being discarded or liquidated. Through human intervention, they have come to form a vivid red scene on the water. The chairs share two key properties in common with the trees. First, both are composed of “wood.” The wetland sequoias are natural objects mechanically planted as purifiers of the water, while the chairs have been returned to “nature” after their use as tools has been completed. The two are born of the same root, and human control has now tightly linked their fates together. In formal terms, the act of planting is itself an art form, and in Chinese, the etymology of the character for “art” represents a person kneeling down to plant a plant. In this way, the meaning of the word “art” is “to cultivate.” In this artwork, the roots of the wetland sequoias have been “planted” with red wooden chairs representing industrial art. Through this artwork, the artist has raised ideas regarding the internality and materiality of the environment.
Hu Weiyi was born in 1990 in Shanghai. He received his BFA in Public Art from the China Academy of Art in 2013, and his MFA from the China Academy of Art Department of Intermedia Art in 2016. He currently lives and works in Shanghai. His creations span the mediums of photography, video, and installation. He held his first solo exhibition in 2014, a year after graduating from college. That same year, he won the Huayu Youth Award for his artwork Flirt. He has held a solo exhibition nearly every year since, while frequently appearing in various group exhibitions.