美丽到⽆法⾔表的滇池,和有趣到难以描述的艺术碰撞在⼀起,这就是 2024 年冬季和春季发⽣在春城昆明的故事。第⼀次来到这个⼉时起从⼤众宣传中不断塑造和固化了形象的边陲名城,居然就是跟着⼀群极富创造⼒和感染⼒的艺术家们来体验她的柔情和激情、她的乡⼟和时尚、她的独特和包容、她的多变和不变。这群个性既张扬⼜随和、既热情⼜安静、既唯我独尊⼜兼善天下的艺术家们,他们也曾经向往着她,并找寻着她,最后发现了她,沉迷在她粼粼波光的裙裾⾥。他们思如泉涌、活⼒四射,他们雀跃奔跑、才情迸发。从近百位艺术家的头脑中催⽣出了⼏百件精妙绝伦的艺术品,像天上的星星⼀样装点了滇池的每⼀道波纹、每⼀条⾐褶。而我,在静静地欣赏着、拍摄着,沉浸其中,⽆我⽆物。
The beautiful and indescribable Dianchi Lake collides with the interesting and indescribable art, which is the story that happened in the spring city of Kunming in the winter and spring of .The first time I came to this border city, which has been constantly shaping and solidifying its image through public propaganda since childhood, I surprisingly followed a group of highly creative and infectious artists to experience her tenderness and passion, her country flavor and urban fashion, her uniqueness and inclusiveness, her capricious and immutability.This group of artists, who are both bold and easy-going, passionate and quiet, both self-centered and benevolent, once longed for her, searched for her, and finally discovered her, indulging in her shimmering skirt. They are like a spring of thought, full of vitality, running with joy and bursting with talent. Hundreds of exquisite and unparalleled artworks have emerged from the minds of nearly a hundred artists, decorating every ripple and pleat of Dianchi Lake like stars in the sky.And I, quietly enjoying and filming, immersed in it, forgot about myself and all things in the universe.
I seled in Shanghai at the beginning of this
century and was fascinated by the city’s abundant history and broad vision.
My work mainly involves graphic photography and short video production of art field. The main clients I work for include Rock Bund Art Museum, LIU HAISU Art Museum, Ofoto Gallery, Perrotin - Contemporary Art Gallery, Lisson Gallery, Almine Rech Gallery and other well-known art institutions in Shanghai.Furthermore I have been employed to photograph or film artworks for renowned artists such as Zeng Fanzhi, Lin Tianmiao, Song Dong, Shen Ye, Ji Wenyu, Luo Yongjin, Murakami Takashi, Kato Izumi, Bharti Kher, Felix Gonzalez Torres, John Armleder, etc.