马运灿 | 珠联璧合
Ma Yuncan | Bead-wall-joint
中国 China

灵感来自于古滇国多产宝石和玉壁(附云南省博物馆陈展照片)。 璧:平圆形中间有孔的玉。珍珠串联在一起,美玉结合在一块。比喻杰出的人才或美好的事物组合在一起。多用来形容男女之间的感情,如珠联璧合的一对。 

作品旨在打造滇池岸畔最具美好寓意的一条祈福⻓廊,由三根铁链串联起 一个巨大的玉壁和多颗”宝石”,高低错落,绵延近两百米,铁链上可供游客 拴各种祈福用品。作品同时具有将石壁与游客分开,避免落石危险的作用。

The inspiration of the work comes from the abundant gem and jade wall of the ancient Dian Kingdom (Pls. note the enclosed exhibition photos of Yunnan Provincial Museum). Bi: a flat round jade with a hole in the middle. Pearls are linked together, and beautiful jade is combined together. It is a metaphor for the combination of outstanding talents or beautiful things. It is often used to describe the feelings between men and women, such as a perfect pair.

The purpose of the work is to create a blessing corridor with the most beautiful implication along the shore of Dianchi Lake, with three chains connecting a huge jade wall and many gems, scattered high and low, stretching nearly 200 meters, and the chains can be tied with various blessing supplies for tourists. At the same time, the work has the function of separating the stone wall from tourists and avoiding the danger of falling rocks.


Born in Luoyang City, Henan Province in 1975, undergraduated from the Sculpture Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1998, and received the Master of Art of the Department of Public Art of China Academy of Fine Arts in 2011. Living in Shanghai and Suzhou now.

Has held many Solo Art Exhibitions in Shanghai. Most of the works have carved his understanding and poetic feeling of life on the hard natural rocks, and have formed a unique style during many years of continuous exploration.