蒋海岭 | 源
Jiang Hailing | The Source
中国 China


Myllokunmingia is the oldest known vertebrate. Metal materials such as steel plates and gears are collected and assembled into the work with the myllokunmingia theme: to reconstruct, to redesign. With the cutting, forging, welding and polishing, the individual style of the work is constructed and combined flexibly, to transform into an open-type space and a changeful three-dimensional structure. The earliest and highest form of life ever known on earth, which made with the modern industrial materials and the manufacturing ways, all manner of myllokunmingia in different sizes,swim to the Dianchi Lake in groups.





Born in Taikang, Henan Province, member of China Sculpture Institute, deputy secretary-general of the Artists Assoc Sculpture Art Committee of Fujian Province.

2007 Graduated from BA, China Academy of Art.

2011 Graduated from MA, China Academy of Art.

Teaches at Wuyi University, Fujian Province.