沈也 | 螺旋式演化
Shen Ye | The Spiral Evolution
中国 China


The ecological environment has been changing for hundreds of millions of years. The Dianchi Lake was born in the period of geological elevation from the sea to the lake. Conch-slowly adapt to the living environment of changing seawater into fresh water. Today's snail and human coexistence history has become an endangered species, we should ponder what is the problem?



1988 - 2014任教福建师范大学美术学院 /中国美术学院上海设计学院。



1963 Born in Fuzhou, Fujian China.

1988 Graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts.

1988 – 2014 Teacher, Fujian Normal University, Art Department 

2014 – Present Teaching at China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design.

Now living in Shanghai.