

Principal Curator: Ding Feng

阿兰·朱利安(法国)、蔡斯民 CHUA SOOBIN(新加坡)、董一平、黄云鹤、罗永进、聂荣庆、杨雄。
Alan Julian (France)、CHUA SOOBIN (Singapore)、Dong Yiping、Huang Yunhe、Luo Yongjin、Nie Rongqing、Yang Xiong.


Shi Hantao, Shen Jianwen, Zhang Hanlu.

董一平 Dong Yiping



 “天上的风,脚下的土“,而“人”连接"风"与"土",也创造了更为复杂的"风土"环境 。风,不仅是自然的风,更是文化的风。土,不仅是植物的根本,也是建造的来源。






2023年的火热夏季,来自定向邀请的八所院校建筑、景观、艺术设计等不同专业的100多位师生在卧龙古渔村,用20组小花园作品,借着青春的力量营造花园,种下对未来的希望。在这里,”花园”的概念被不断解构与扩展,它可以是花径、是装置、是展览、是小品、是游戏、是园林…… 唯有一点不变,即必须是“从此处而来,为此地而做”的在地设计(site-specific design)。 在这些作品我们读到了勃发的创造力与想象力,思辨与深沉、活泼与天真,同时充满了青年一代对滇池所在”地方”的地层、历史、民俗、记忆的深厚认识,和充满情感的探索与诠释。




The vernacular environment is the distinct essential of climate and land that differentiates one place from another. 


'The wind in the sky, the soil beneath our feet,' and it is through 'people' that connect the 'wind' and 'soil', creating a more complex environment known as 'climate and land' or “Vernacular Environment”. The wind not only refers to natural winds but also cultural influences. The soil is not just the foundation for plants but also the source of construction materials. Dianchi Lake's unique ecosystem, including its lake, water system, mountains, and soil, has nurtured numerous rural settlements and their inseparable cultural traditions. These are Dianchi Lake's most precious vernacular heritage. Garden cultivation is a long-standing tradition at Dianchi Lake. When wandering along the Dianchi lake, we can see flowers planted in front of every household or within their courtyards. The owners take care of their gardens in their yards to create poetic dwellings filled with a sense of cultural belonging.


We are expecting Gardens as a method to transform vacant houses within traditional villages or leftover spaces into gardens. With this concept, this curation project aims to evoke people's contemplation on what constitutes a beautiful home while imagining future development possibilities for traditional villages like Wolong Village. In the summer of 2023, over 100 students and teachers from eight invited universities specializing in architecture, landscape design, art design, among other disciplines are gathering at Wolong Ancient Fishing Village. Through 20 sets of small garden projects created with students, they will sow seeds of hope for the future. Here at Dianchi Art Season, the concept of "garden" constantly undergoes deconstruction and expansion; it can be flower paths, installations, exhibition pieces, artworks, games, yuan lin or even landscapes... The only constant requirement is that it must be a site-specific design tailored specifically for this location. In these gardens, we can read about the creativity and imagination of the youth, as well as the profound understanding of the geological layers, history, folklore, and memories associated with the 'place' where Dianchi Lake is located. They are filled with speculative thoughts and depth, liveliness and innocence, along with emotional exploration and interpretation.


The red-billed gulls landing by Dianchi Lake on warm winter winds have become an annual beautiful scenery in its local environment. Could the summer university garden construction festival of the Dianchi Art Season drive the revitalization of more traditional villages along Dianchi Lake, or even become a method to continue the local culture and traditions around the Lake?  

黄云鹤 Huang Yunhe











A message to the Dianchi Art Season:


Dianchi, such a beautiful and inspirational lake, it contains the rich and unique cultural heritage of Yunnan. Today it will also witness the new stories of art, one after one. The theme “Home & Future”, it calls attention to the history and the future of Dianchi,with the charm of art. The works of artists, they tells the original feelings, and the great expectation to the future.


The Art Season, it is not only a visual feast, it is more like a thoughtful cultural life experience. The artists reside by the lake, with their sensibilities, and the contemporary representation methods, to create the fascinating works,piece by piece.


This is a profound experimental dialogue , between art and nature, technology and tradition, home and abroad. With the intensely special and original expression, the shocking visual language which is transformed by every artist‘s strong impression, it would not only let the visitors rediscover the beauty of Dianchi, and motive everyone to rethink in depth, about the local environment, history and the modern life.


Let us be expecting together, the art takes care of the beautiful mountains and the lake;

let us be expecting together, our eyes focus on the art communication in Dianchi;

Let us be expecting together, people enjoy this journey, spiritually and visually.